Catgender Pin Purride Chibi Cat Hard Enamel Pin in Catgender Pride Flag Colors | LGBTQ+ Subtle Pride Jewelry
Catgender Pin Purride Chibi Cat Hard Enamel Pin in Catgender Pride Flag Colors | LGBTQ+ Subtle Pride Jewelry
This adorable chibi calico cat is ready to pounce into your heart to show love and pride for catgender folks and allies. With the solid pink, light pink, dark purple, purple, light blue and solid blue of the catgender pride flag as the calico spots and fur, this feline furbaby looks awesome on your collar, hat, backpack, lanyard, jacket, bag, or wherever a little love and pride needs to be spread.
Never heard of catgender and are curious? From
"Catgender is a faunagender relating to feline or cats. Someone who identifies as catgender can have a strong relation to cats and felines or strongly identifying as a cat. A catgender person can still be binary while identifying as catgender. If someone feels female in a feline sense, they would be a catgender girl. Catgender was created by a mentally ill autistic individual to better define nya’s gender experience, but anyone may identify with catgender. This term was coined by @nygma_txt on twitter."
Size: 1.5" from toes to the tip of the tail
Thickness: 1.6mm
Fill: hard enamel
Finishing: nickel metal + front-side polished
Attachment: 8mm single post + rubber clutch
It's a subtle pride pin you can wear to show your colors but still, fly under the radar if needed. If you know, you know. If not, well, it's sure a cute and colorful calico cat pin to love!